Councilexchangesite Terms And Conditions 19-7-2024 is owned and operated by SS network limited. Registered in england company number 6739601 is a online venue (website) for tenants to communicate with each other to homeswap online.

We are not a housing association or landlord. We are a website for tenants to advertise a mutual exchange online.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our website, however some details on the site may change from time to time.

We will use our best endeavours to rectify any errors, but we cannot be responsible for any losses incurred. reserves the right to update and change this website at anytime and for any reason. is strictly for mutual exchange adverts from tenants only. No commercial advertising is allowed and adverts of this nature will be removed. does not allow commercial advertising through messages or adverts and will result in account closure if ignored.

We reserve the right to remove access to anyone and for any reason deemed appropriate by our staff

Councilexchangesite systems are setup for members to gain immediate access to our website. However due to technical or unforeseen circumstances we may have to manually approve all new accounts.

Account set up is created instantly after payment completion.

however there could be delay of up to a week in case of any unforeseen circumstances, which the customer would be made aware of. products and payments may change at anytime. Subscriptions are processed automatically and are rebilled at the scheduled billing dates.

Subscriptions can be cancelled at anytime by contacting us or logging into paypal and cancelling the subscription. offers many different products which can be found on our registration page. Details of how to cancel are emailed to you direct from paypal when you register.

Councilexchangesite occasionally send out emails about companies and advertisers to users thats opt in. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Although we have ensured that all information on our website is correct we may have missed errors.

Because information on is submitted by members. we are not held responsible for any messages or advertisement details left by members.

By submitting images of your home, You declare that you are the copyright owner of the image. Do not submit an image if it is not your own photo.

By adding photos you give permission for us to share your advert details via social media (twitter and facebook) which may result in more people seeing your advert.

By adding an advert you give permission for us to share your advert details via social media (twitter and facebook) which may result in more people seeing your advert.

Advertisement details remain on for 12 months from when they are submitted, However users with a ongoing membership may remain longer.

When registered members log in to their adverts, They are updated to stay active from the date logged in.

We remove adverts where information is inaccurate or we become aware of inaccurate information.

If your account expired, All details of your account, adverts, messages etc are removed 3 months after expiry unless you contact us asking for them to be removed quicker.

This period of 3 months is put in place to allow users to rejoin without losing all their submitted information.

The member is held responsible for there own messages. Adverts posted by a customer will remain on councilexchangesite until they are removed by the customer unless we are contacted to remove the advert.

Cancelling your payment will not automatically remove your adverts, However if you are notified of a reply to your adverts, a remove advert link is included with full instructions on how to remove your advert from

By using our service you are agreeing to be contacted by other tenants looking for a swap. is not held responsible for the validity of contact details submitted or displayed by members or advertisers nor do we guarantee a reply to questions being sent.

Privacy Policy: How we use your data is owned and operated by SS network limited. Registered in england company number 6739601

We have set out this privacy policy to allow you to see how we use your data and allow you to choose if you want to use our services.

We only collect information necessary for our website to function.

The personal information we collect is : first name, last name, username, email address, password (encrypted our staff have no access to this), advertisement details.

Your personal information including first name, last name password are not displayed to other members.

Your email, Advertisement details are displayed to other members of

Because advertisement details are displayed publicly on our website we strongly advise to not include contact details as anyone could see these.

We advise (recommended) to allow councilexchangesite users contact you via the request form on your advertisement.

Advertisement details remain on for 12 months from when they are submitted, However users with a ongoing membership may remain longer.

When registered members log in to their adverts, They are updated to stay active from the date logged in.

We remove adverts where information is inaccurate or we become aware of inaccurate information.

If your account expired, All details of your account, adverts, messages etc are removed 3 months after expiry unless you contact us asking for them to be removed quicker.

This period of 3 months is put in place to allow users to rejoin without losing all their submitted information.

Our main purpose for storing your information is for your home swap details to be displayed to other members and guests.

We do not store any bank or credit card/debit card details

All payments are processed by paypal

Advertisement and email address can be requested by members of who are interested in your homeswap.

Personal information is used solely by councilexchangesite staff for administration purposes.

In order to request access to Your personal information

Please contact on We will respond to your request for your personal information within 7 days.

We may disclose your personal information if requested for the reasons below.

To comply with any legal obligations. This includes data requests for criminal investigations.

By registering or using our website you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
